Analitica has the technical expertise, infrastructure and competent operating team to conduct qualitative and /or quantitative studies.

Some of the quantitative studies we offer:

  • Product tests / New formulation tests
  • U & A (Usage and Attitudes)
  • Advertising pre-test of finished and unfinished commercials (animatics, photomatics).
  • Multimedia advertising test.
  • Segmentation and lifestyle & consumption studies.

Advantages of quantitative studies:

  1. Generality of results based on representative samples.
  2. Application of strict statistical methods to determine differences among the groups surveyed.
  3. Identification of sub-groups of consumers better suited to the product or brand tested.


  • Fieldwork performed in rooms adapted to the needs of the product or service tested.
  • Respondents are properly screened based on the demographic and consumption characteristics required by the study.
  • Self-administered questionnaires under direct supervision by our staff.
  • Swift implementation of CAPI (and/or online) interviewing network anywhere in the Mexican Republic.

Advantages for the client:

  • Reduction of data entry mistakes.
  • Faster data processing.
  • Privacy and more honesty in participants’ responses.
  • Reduction of reading errors, skip errors and bias caused by interviewers’ behavior.


  • Extensive work team to ensure the orderly, reliable, truthful, and timely information collection
  • Large team of interviewers, supervisors and fieldwork coordinators. Capacity to coordinate large-sample studies.
  • Capacity to coordinate large-sample studies.
  • Logistic and technical capacity for the controlled management of end-to-end studies.
  • Own and exclusive interviewing, supervision and coordination teams.
  • Guaranteed sample dispersion.
  • Own and exclusive field supervision in the entire Mexican Republic.

Advantages for the client:

  • Accurate and reliable information.
  • Fast and expeditious field surveys.
  • Versatility to manage studies of different complexity levels.
  • Total control of the process = Greater Quality.